So many false prophets

I was recommended this video by my YouTube algorithms: From New Age Witchcraft to JESUS (Testimony). It got me rather glued to it even though I was not feeling well: body ache, headache, and chills.  

Jessica grew up Catholic. She was sexually abused at the age of seven, suppressed that memory, and sexually abused other female peers, in the form of a game. When she was 15, she got involved in a relationship that became more abusive. As the same time she got involved in drugs, drinking, partying, etc. When she was about 18, she nearly died from a suicide attempt and was admitted to a hospital where she met a woman who was into new-age stuff. One thing led to another and she became a light witch. However, she was still doing the drugs, drinking, partying and got raped one night (14:45). That was when I had to pause the video and broke down. 

In her new-age thing, Jesus was supposedly an "ascended master" and "spirit guide", so she called on Jesus to heal her and teach her. And Jesus said to her, "Follow me." That gave me more chills, especially in the way she described the voice. Then she found herself led to Nova Hub. I thought that sounded like a plastic surgery company but apparently, it is one of those Pentecostal Churches. I gave up watching the rest of the video and skimmed through it but found nothing noteworthy. 

I Googled Nova Hub, it is a branch of Impact Revival Hub whose founders are Ryan and Joy LeStrange. In the photo, the latter had a full face of makeup with possible cheek and lip fillers *cringe*. Ryan LeStrange claims to be an apostle *yawn* among his other self-accreditations. In the last ten years or more, he has authored and co-authored at least 30 books. So I Googled any controversy around him and he was accused of being a false prophet by an Anthony Wade, a pastor with the Assemblies of God (AOG) which sounded rather familiar. Yeah, they have been around since 1914. 

I went to check what the Catholic Church had to say about AOG. LOL! It's like they don't even care. Just some facts and figures. I get it though. If you are a Catholic, you would know these churches aren't even close to the real thing. I commented on the original video of Jessica's testimony and pray that she would return to the only church Jesus founded himself. 

Ok, rant over.


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