Ladies, please read this.

I was almost followed just now.

I alighted at my usual MRT stop and boarded one of the usual buses. After the first stop, a man sat directly opposite me. A quick glance into his eyes and I got the feeling that he's up to no good. Then he shuffled his hands near his groin. I refused to look there and focused my attention on the bus bell/beep beside me.

My stop was the next one. When the bus was mid-way between the 2 stops, he still didn't press the bell, so I pressed it. He got up from the seat to get to the door, so I put my fears aside for a moment.

I got down after him and waited for him to walk ahead of me. I walked up the road, pretending to look for the next bus. He pretended to look at the bus numbers and kept glancing back at me. That's when I knew for sure that he was up to no good.

To let him know that I was suspicious of him, I walked down the road, on the tarmac, when it was clear, putting a good 2 metres between us. Then I walked my usual fast pace and kept looking back. By this time, he had advanced 5 metres away from the bus stop, loitering or hesitating to follow me; I just knew.

When I turned the corner, I ran 50m then quickly looked back and didn't see him. There were people around, so I walked my usual fast pace, but each time I'm just about to make a turn, I looked back to check that he wasn't following me.

And to add, it was only 11.23pm on a Friday night, a relatively safe time in the heartlands because buses and trains were still running and a few people were still walking along the main roads.

If you have to ask what I was wearing, I was wearing two sleeveless tops under a loose long-sleeve cardigan, skinny jeans and sneakers with just eyebrow and eyeliner. Not exactly dressed to seek any attention. I also did not make any eye contact with the guy until he sat in front of me. I was minding my own business.

I also said two prayers while walking home, to keep calm and for my peace of mind. Thanks be to God.

Don't take safety in Singapore for granted. Always be on your guard.


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